our code of conduct
The Lake Forest Lacrosse Association believes that boys should develop skills and a love for the game of lacrosse while also learning the value of sportsmanship. Additionally, lacrosse should be fun for players, coaches and parents.
To enable the athletes who wish to play lacrosse under LFLA’s philosophy of a positive experience, learn to play and love the game and to nurture within them a sense of respect for others, the Lake Forest Lacrosse Association requires all players and parents to comply with the Code of Conduct.
I will do my very best in school as schoolwork is my first priority.
I will “HONOR THE GAME” of lacrosse by displaying good sportsmanship at all times on and off the field and by setting a positive example.
I will respect my teammates, coaches, referees and opponents at all times, even when others do not.
I understand that LFLA volunteers, coaches and referees give their time for our- and our player's benefit and should be respected.
I realize that playing time is earned in practice and/or through exemplary game play, and that it may not be equal and/or in line with my view.
I will give 100% effort at each practice and game. I understand that goofing around during practice and/or games can result in expulsion from the team and forfeiture of fees.
I will support and encourage my teammates. I understand that lacrosse is a team game, and I will strive to be a "team player."
I will know the rules of the game of lacrosse and abide by them.
I will wear the required equipment at all games and practices, and keep my equipment well maintained.
I will not be afraid to make mistakes; that is part of learning.
I will be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
I will not engage in unsportsmanlike behavior with coaches, officials, players or parent such as booing or taunting, refusing to shake hands, or using profane language or gestures.
I will demand a sports environment free from drugs, tobacco and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all times. I recognize that expulsion from the team and forfeiture of fees are potential consequences for not following this rule.
I will do my best to attend all practices and games and be on time and when I cannot, I will inform the coaches in advance.
I will learn from my coaches; practice hard; play smart; and have fun!
The Lake Forest Lacrosse Association firmly believes that young athletes learn valuable lessons by watching the behaviors and attitudes of adults.
I will “HONOR THE GAME” of lacrosse by practicing good sportsmanship at all times.
I will make a conscious effort to learn the rules of the game of lacrosse.
I will not engage in unsportsmanlike behavior with coaches, officials, players or parent such as booing or taunting, or using profane language or gestures.
I understand that LFLA volunteers, coaches and referees give their time for our- and our player's benefit and should be respected.
I understand that league or LFLA officials may ask me to leave a game for displaying unsportsmanlike behavior.
I will not coach my child from the sidelines. I will let players play and coaches coach, and will support both positively.
I will not yell at, point out, complain to or in any way "help" the referee do his or her job. I recognize that the referee is human, and has a difficult job and will miss calls.
I will emphasize the FUN of the game and the team, and putting forth effort at all times, not only wins and losses.
I realize that playing time is earned in practice and/or through exemplary game play, and that it may not be equal and/or in line with my view.
I will never criticize or ridicule my child or any other players regardless of the circumstance.
I will ensure that my child attends all practices and games and will be on time and when he cannot, I will inform the coaches in advance.
I will be prompt in picking up my son after practice and games or I will verify that someone has responsibility for my son before leaving him.
I will follow the "24 Hour Rule"; if you have a complaint resulting from a game (or practice) situation, speak with the coach on the following day.
If there is a serious problem, I will notify the LFLA President.
I will demand a sports environment free from drugs, tobacco and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all games.
I will ensure that my son has an active US Lacrosse membership and a signed LFLA and IBLA Medical Release and Liability Waiver for without them he cannot play.
Any conduct, including abusive language and/ or gestures, hitting, racially insensitive remarks, damage to property or belongings, or any other conduct that reflects poorly on yourself or LFLA is deemed to be unacceptable and will not be tolerated. This rule applies to all players, parents, coaches, siblings and guests at all times when in or around games or practices as a member of LFLA.
During a practice, tournament or game when you are away or at home, you represent the Lake Forest community and the LFLA. Any conduct such as destruction of property, consumption of drugs or alcohol, shoplifting, or any other such activity will not be tolerated. This rule applies for the entire time one is away for a practice, a game or tournament.
The Coaches and Directors of LFLA will deal with unacceptable conduct at its sole discretion, imposing warnings, suspension or expulsion, as it deems appropriate. ANY SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION BASED ON VIOLATIONS OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT WILL NOT BE ACCOMPANIED BY A FEE REFUND.